Ivy Lift Station Upgrade

Scope of Work:

Replace the existing Ivy Lift Station with new wetwell and pumps

Reasons for Implementation:

1. Wetwell volume is too small
2. Lack of emergency power

Year of Implementation:


Estimated Cost:


Target Year:


One Time or Continuous:

One Time

UPS Freight Emergency Power

Scope of Work:

Adding emergency power supply at UPS Freight Lift Station

Reasons for Implementation:

  Lack of emergency power

Year of Implementation:


Estimated Cost:


Target Year:


One Time or Continuous:

One Time

Mobile Power Generator

Scope of Work: Replace the existing Ivy Lift Station with new wetwell and pumps

Reasons for Implementation: Lack of emergency power

Year of Implementation: 2018/2019

Estimated Cost: 25,oo0

Target Year: 2020/2021

One Time or Continuous: One Time

SCADA System

Scope of Work:  Adding SCADA control system at all three lift stations

Reasons for Implementation: Lack of operation moinitering


Year of Implementation: One Time

Estimated Cost: $45,000


Target Year: 2020/2021

One Time or Continuous: One Time


Sewer Line CIPP

Scope of Work: District-wide sewer line and manhole rehabilitation

Reasons for Implementation:

1. Reducing infiltration and inflow
​ 2. Routine maintenance

Year of Implementation: 2019/2020

Estimated Cost: $1,165,300

Target Year: 2020/2021

One Time or Continuous: One Time



Sewer Service Lateral Site Survey

Scope of Work: Survey 91 service lateral from sewer main to ROW

Reasons for Implementation: Utility investigation

Year of Implementation: 2019/2020

Estimated Cost: $15,000

Target Year: 2020/2021

One Time or Continuous:One Time


Employee Benefit Plan

Scope of Work: Adding employee health insurance and pension plan

Reasons for Implementation: Retain employees

Year of Implementation:   2019/2020

Estimated Cost:        25,000

Target Year: 2020/2021

One Time or Continuous: Continuous


Scope of Work: Adding engineering budget for planing, design, and operation

Reasons for Implementation: Retain engineers

Year of Implementation: 2019/2020

Estimated Cost:$35,000

Target Year:2020/2021

One Time or Continuous: Continuous

Emergency Reserve Funding

Scope of Work:Reserving emergency funds for unforeseeable situations

Reasons for Implementation: Emergency response

Year of Implementation: 2019/2020

Estimated Cost: $500,000

Target Year: 2020/2021

One Time or Continuous: Budget/Reserve

Industrial Park Sanitation District
6625 E. 49th Ave.
Commerce City, CO 80022
Phone: 303-287-1624
Fax: 303-287-4204